Why Do Festival Southeast Asia Have Greater Success?

In an article published by The Straits Times, Why Some Causes Resonate, Ms. Carol Soon, a senior researcher from the art, culture and media research group Institute of Policy Studies, highlighted the success of Pink Dot. Event southeast Asia, which began in 2009 with the aim of promoting the understanding and acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities, Pink Dot increased its attendance from 2,500 people in 2009 to about 28,000 by 2015, according to media reports.

The publicity for festival Southeast Asia has largely happened in social media and, in recent years, religious conservatives have come out to campaign against it online. With the amendment of the Employment Act prohibiting foreigners from using assemblies and processions in Singapore to promote political causes, Pink Dot faces greater challenges than ever but managed to garner support from 50 Singapore sponsors and reportedly increased 70 percent of sponsorship 2016 even before fundraising officially started.

According to Soon, messaging and targeting are the two main reasons for Pink Dot’s success. This is not surprising. Event southeast Asia who enjoys greater success – usually measured by the amount of participation – tends to have messages that vary but are aligned so that their target audiences can identify. As the public relations agent behind the 5 biggest whiskey and spiritual installations in Southeast Asia, Whiskey Live Singapore, our work behind the success of this event is almost unbearable. How does publicity and active participation in conceptualizing the event bring the inaugural number of 800 Whiskey Live guests in 2010 to 3,000 by 2016? Here’s our learning point: Strategic communication largely shows a variety of messages tailored to different target audiences at the right time on different platforms. The ability to capture attention and communicate with different audiences is key.

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